Lakewalk Villas Property Owners Association, Inc.


Starting 1/1/2024, Community Assessments (Dues) will be $185.00 per month thru 08/31/2024. Dues after 9/01/2024: $186.84 / month. Dues are to be received by the 1st of each month.

Checks should be made out to: Lakewalk Villas POA and sent to: 35 Shore Line Drive, Lynchburg, VA 24501 or placed in the drop box located at the white arbor bench on Emily Lane. All checks not mailed directly to 35 Shore Line Drive must be placed inside an envelope before depositing in the mailbox in the white arbor on Emily Lane. Payments received after the 5th of any month may be subject to a $10.00 late fee. If you pay by autopay arrangement thru your bank, please make sure to change the payment amount to reflect the new amount of $185.00 starting the first of the year to avoid late fee charges for incorrect payment amounts. Also, when setting up auto pay be sure to allow time for your check to be received by the 1st of each month to avoid the $10.00 late fee for late payment receipt.

 In accordance with section 8.4 of the Covenants, in the event that any Owner is more than forty-five (45) days delinquent in the payment of any Community Assessment (Dues), the Association shall have the legal right to accelerate the balance of payment of the year's Community Assessments (Dues) and to consolidate said balance with any delinquent amounts of past Dues payments not made, plus any fines, and expect said payment immediately. If the amount of the accelerated Community Assessments (Dues) balance payment, plus any and all delinquent amounts of past missed Dues payments and fines, are not received by the end of the month the said notice is received by the Owner, the matter will be turned over to the Association's legal counsel for immediate legal remedies to be enacted. Said remedies could include, but not be limited to: appearances in court and the placement of a lien on the property in question; to be paid in full from the proceeds of any future sale of the property by the Owner.